Heres Dj Dirtmonkey rocking out my Cellar Dweller shirt at Urban WineFest!
04 July 2013
24 March 2013
23 February 2013
22 August 2012
31 December 2011
Year in Review: 2011
So just in case you didn't know coming into this year was very scary for me. I left a New York City design firm where I spent 9 years... 9 years where I grew professionally, and creatively, it was a great place and I loved working there, but the last 2 years I really wanted to push more into interactive, and motion graphics. Sadly the NYC firm did not, so I left last December to join up with a network of freelancers that mainly work in interactive tutorials and motion graphics. Sitting aside February which work wise fell flat, I've been lucky enough to have solid work all year and I just wanted to thank all my friends and clients that made it possible! So Thank you Beckett, Felix, Blake, Robert, and Rochelle for being so awesome this year!!
13 December 2011
Global Gladiator Shirt is out!!
I feel very blessed that I get to split my time working on interactive tutorials/putting after effects on videos and designing cool shirts for Global martial arts.
here is the latest shirt to be released. It's the Global Gladiator shirt and im pretty stoked on it! It even has a lil gladiator hiding under the armpit of the shirt!!
"under armpit view"
and heres Levon Manyard after is pro MMA fight (he won!) with ring crew wearing the gladiator shirts!! yah Mateo:P
31 October 2011
27 October 2011
23 October 2011
Super cool!
so cool! i saw this on one of my friends facebook page,
this guy (sorry to said guy that i don't know his name) is about to have his
1st pro MMA fight, he's stretching out getting ready for his fight and he's
wearing my shirt design! so crazy cool!
01 October 2011
29 September 2011
StarWars stencil
so my studio walls are still pretty bare, so i decided to do another stecils for the wall, it should be about 4 ft long when/ if its done
so here it is. hope ya likes
23 September 2011
Blake Pound!
heres a pic i did for a warm up before we hunkered down on some flash today,
its a pic of one of workmates from colorado, Blake Pound
10 September 2011
28 August 2011
Hurrican Irene hotel sketch
heres a sketch i did while i was in a hotel room waiting for the hurricane to pass over my house.
03 June 2011
24 May 2011
TrigopiX wall stencil: the printouts
so i made a 14.74 x 55 inch long printed of all of my plates that im gonna use and pieced em all together. now to start cutting out the stencil and hope i didnt mess up in the mock up stage and my stencil holds its shape!
TrigopiX wall stencil: the mockup
so i wanted to make a piece ala "banksy" a real piece, not something that just hangs out on a computer screen. but something that started on the computer screen and ended up spray painted on the wall of my studio. so here starts the process!
heres the illustartor mock up piece i did to get things started
11 May 2011
gentlemens duel round 4
whoot! time for another 3 month gentlemens duel!! this time its a head to head competition with the one and only Chris Wheeler of global martial arts!!! very stoked on this one! and after this we'll probably kick it back to it being a group competition. until then heres the new poster:P
26 April 2011
another shirt design
inbetween projects with Beckett i got some breathers by making these shirts, it was for cerebal palsy of virginia racejavascript:void(0)
21 April 2011
t-shirt commision "shake your groove thing"
so i got to do a t-shirt design for my friend Jennifer's dance recital. You may have guessed its called "shake your groove thing"
heres the pic! it was fun doing this as it was a welcome break from the unforgiving mistress that is flash actionscript 3.0!
09 April 2011
tastybeats_loose pencils
heres a piece i've loosely pencilled while on was taking a break from flash the other day. i have the bg pretty much laid out in my head, so hopefully they'll be a window where i can ink and color this puppy and throw it up here. im trying to balance my workload more so i can still do personal projects and update the blog more.