heres the colors for Fire Dragon piece.
hit the post below for the full scoop and links
31 December 2009
30 December 2009
Fire Dragon pencils and inks
So heres another pic that didnt get picked at work.
We did a batch of dragons and a couple didnt make it.
they said the pencils on this one were "too demonic"
it was such a cool picture that i inked and colored it on my free time.
29 December 2009
Pumpkin Sticker Colors
so heres the colors for the Pumpkin Sticker!
hope ya likes
as always hit up Krahnkes blog! hopefully when he comes back from vacation he'll have the 2nd batch of halloween stickers for me to ink and color! *fingers crossed*
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
20 December 2009
19 December 2009
Zombie Hand colors
heres the colors for the zombie hand, i couldnt decide on what colors i liked more
so i just posted both of em.
so heres one bloody, and one medium rare:P
13 December 2009
Deadball Colors!!
heres the colors for the deadball pic.
the highlights and shading kinda got washed out on the lettering when
i converted it to photoshop and shrank and squished into a gif, but w/e the
original looks hot, so im pretty happy!
04 December 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker 7/8: Pumpkin and EyeHand
heres the last of the batch for the halloween stickers. its the flaming pumpkin and
the eyeball hand.
heres da inks. colors for these and deadball forthcoming
22 November 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker 6: DeadBall!
heres the 6th sticker from Krahnke and I.
heres da pencils and inks.
im planning on hitting the colors after the thxgiving holiday.
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
18 November 2009
Orc colors
heres the colors for the "for the horde" pix
up next: Krahnke/Wheat sticker 6: Deadball!! stay tuned:P
16 November 2009
for the horde! (rawr)
heres a sketch i did during lunch while hanging out with my friend Ben Dale.
i can out pretty good, i think the inks really locked it up.
feels good to pencil and ink my own stuff every once and a while:P
10 November 2009
MonsterBurger colors!
heres the colors for the Krahnke/Wheat sticker 5: MonsterBurger!
i really dug how this turned out.
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
hope ya likes
05 November 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker 5: MonsterBurger!
heres the pencils from andy and my inks for the 5th sticker, Monster Burger!
colors will be up @ the end of the week
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
31 October 2009
29 October 2009
awesome dragon
heres a pic of a awesome dragon my boy Ben Dale drew up,
i threw some inks on it, and will hopefully be dropping some colors this weekends!
check out bens site for all ur ben dale goodness!
25 October 2009
Raptor Halloween mask for Charlie
This was the Raptor mask i made for my friend Charlie!
i really wanted to make a 3d one BUT, it was alot harder than i thought.
so i made this print out page, that way he could just print out the mask and hand em out or what not, anyways hope he likes it.
04 October 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker 4: the Pirate Captain COLORZ
so heres da colors to the pirate captain.
hope ya likes!
Up next! Raptor MASK......finally!:P
23 September 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker 4: the Pirate Captain
heres the pencils and inks for the pirate sticker, i was hoping to post up hte colors for the monster closet.......but its not evolving as well as it was in my head. so im gonna tweak it some more than hopefully post it up.
*NOTE* i'm gonna add da sparkle in his eye in the color stage, so no worries
hope ya likes,
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
22 September 2009
20 September 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker 3: the closet monster
Heres the pencils from Krahnke and my inks below it.
probably throw some colors and post it up Wednesday.
hope ya likes
18 September 2009
Krahnke/Wheat: Uncle Drippy Colorz
heres the colors for the Uncle Drippy pic!
up in the closet! stay tuned!
16 September 2009
Krahnke/Wheat sticker project 2: Uncle Drippy
so here's the second sticker Krahnke drew up and i threw some inks on!
Andy drew this puppy up super tight so it was no prob inking this bad boy.
colors should be up this weekend along with the 3rd sticker!
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
hope ya likes!
13 September 2009
12 September 2009
the Krahnke/Wheat sticker project
Here's the first of 2...of hopefully many of a set of scary stickers!
the first one is of a toxic ghoul....guy..i dont really know what to name him but he's pretty awesome, Krahnke drew me some loose pencils and i threw some inks on it, so here's what we got so far!
hit Krahnke's Blog for some more goodness @
colors soon (i mean it this time, i got the colors about 60% done already!:P)
26 August 2009
20 August 2009
Legend of Zelda pinup
heres the VERY loose roughs for the Legend of Zelda pinup.
im just gonna go straight to inks/colors on this one.
12 August 2009
SHFD, DUNE in progress
so heres an update on the Super Happy Fun Day: Steampunked Sci-Fi rough.
i got the main character done finally, and hopefully will put in some time tomorrow and friday to get the background done.
hope ya likes
07 August 2009
Blast from the Past #2
heres one i did for the Mada Draw-off like a year, year and a half ago.
i kinda dig, it...........should dig it more when i add some color to it!
so heres the pencils. stay tuned for the colors!
p.s. gonna be updated more, sorry for the last 2 weeks:P
09 July 2009
Super Happy Fun Day_Sci Fi_SteamPunk ROUGHZ
SO this months SHFD is taking any Sci-Fi movie and giving it the "Steampunk" treatment
soo............for my Sci-Fi movie i decided to go with DUNE!! wooot im crazy for spice!!!! it makes my eyes all BLUE!:P
anyways heres da roughs, and like the 720 pic i will show the "fleshing out" stage too.
hehehe, plz excuse the notebook paper, i found a blank composition notebook hidden in my studio and decided to adopt it as my sketch journal, not really that professional, but thrifty:P
hope ya likes,
04 July 2009
Super Happy Fun-Video Game Revamp donez!
so heres the finished pix
hope ya likes, cant wait to see what is this months topic!
video game revamp: 720, one of the coolest games i ever played as a kid. the only thing missing is a cloud of bees:P
17 June 2009
Ed Herreras "wrestler"
my friend threw up this awesome piece o pencils on his site
it was in such a crazy style!!! i totally dig it
and i just had to ink it up. im planning on coloring it, im itchin to throw some color on it, so stay tuned it should be happening this weekend
14 June 2009
Supa Happy Funz Day-Video Game Revamp pt. 2
so heres a.....i dont really know what u call it, so i'll call it "fleshing out stage" of the Video game revamp challenge for Ben Dales "Super Happy Fun Day"
Nothing in this pic is locked down yet, this is more like just throwing ideas on paper and seeing what sticks, fonts can change, color can change etc etc. and the lil skater guy on front is the same dude from the roughs cuz i hated the way he turned out in this stage so i removed him, im gonna take another crack at em this week.
and i still gotta work out the back cover part with some pix or some text treatments
hope ya likes,
10 June 2009
Super Happy Fun Day "Video Game Revamp"
So...............this months Super happy fun day is to revamp a video game
so i decided to update the best Skateboarding game (besides tony hawk pro sk8er) is 720!!!!!!
so heres the ruffs for my pic 720 (thats right baby, on NOTEBOOK paper!!! OLD SKOOL STYLE!!! red dragonz!! rawr)
07 June 2009
super happy fun day self port
heres the self portrait with weapon of choice and spirit animal that i did for Bens "Super happy fun day" monthly draw-off
so for the weapon o choice: Jack rabbit Rocket....its a rocket launcher that shoots rabbits.
and of course my spirit animal is an Ewok, im not really sure that a ewok is a animal or a alien.....but w/e.
so here it is
04 June 2009
Shout out to Ringo!
Did this piece as a warmup. I've had the pencils on my system for a while and everytime i run across it i remember how awesome Mike Wieringo was.
so heres Ringos pencils and my speed inks/colors
R.I.P brother
28 May 2009
Super Happy Fun Day #2 self port ruffz
heres the semi rough i did for the super happy fun day monthly draw off.
this is my daily planner i have at work to remember due dates, who has what, and who wants what etc etc. this is pretty much the style im gonna do my self port in.
dropping the finished piece this weekend *fingers crossed*
21 May 2009
Viva Bazooka: first try
this is the first layout. i'm not reallly digging it, and its not really flowing together like it did in my roughs..........
but i figured i'd post it up anyway so u guys could see the "works in progress/failed layouts" pieces
gonna put off the 2nd version while i jump into a flash project. then im gonna swing away and try again.
so here's Viva Bazooka.........take one
OH! thx to Jazun for hooking me up with the killer reference and Steve Bunch for well, being Steve:P
17 May 2009
Die Hard Fontography shenaniganz
heres a piece i did because i was stressed out this week and during my lunch break i would mess with text, yeah im a geek. warping text relaxs me:P
so heres the pic. a page entirely composed of Die Hard movie quotes
15 May 2009
Bread & Butter 4: Transformers 2
for B&B4 is a spread from 2 books we did for Transformers2:revenge of the fallen
pretty happy how one of the books came out....
so here's Transformers 2: Revenge of the fallen. "Operation AutoBot"
and im almost finished with a piece i've been tinkering on off and on this week, so no worriez new stuff is coming
06 May 2009
Super Happy Fun Day colorz
heres the colors for the piece i did for the "Super Happy Fun Day" group that my friend Ben Dale heads up.
colors are pretty simple. i gave myself 45 min. to speed color this. for what it is, i'm pretty happy wit it.
hope ya likes
30 April 2009
Mashup for Super Happy Fun Day
Heres my first pic i did for Bens Super Happy Fun Day group. this months entry was mashing up 2 different characters.
this one was iron fist and boba fett............after i finished inking it i wasnt really feelin' it. i decided to scrap this one and start over..BUT i never started over so it looks like this is wat Bens getting unless i'm feeling ambitious this weeked.
if not, stay tuned for the colorz:P
27 April 2009
Bread & Butter 3: Spider Man vs. Electro
So for B&B3 here's a project that i've been dying to post up but it just went on sale April 21st.
this is a book we did for Harper Collins, who are awesome to work for. It's Spider Man vs. Electro
here's the amazon link if u want to buy it:
hope ya likes,
08 April 2009
Here's the finished pic from one of hte roughs i posted a couple of days ago (its in the "SW designs 2- the roughs" post, 2 threads down)
kinda changed alittle from the rough. took out the hand and and the tie fighters and made it all about Dagobah (aka the planet Luke finds Yoda on)
pretty pleased how it turned out, but i still want to do a Luke on Hoth pix.....
hope ya likes,
05 April 2009
Grandma E's chicken
My grandma asked for a chicken a long time ago.... so here's my first attempt at it. theres a 50/50 chance shes gonna want her full name on it, if shes does well, i gotta change it. cuz u gotta do what grandma asks:P
hope she likes,
04 April 2009
SW designs 2- the roughs
heres the roughs for the new Star Wars shirt designs im working on. finished versions should be up in a week,
*NOTE* these are roughs, this is what i use to figure out my layouts and stuff. so some things may not be readable/understandable...
hope ya likes,
TWAB header Warm Up
Here's a header that i did to warm up today b4 i dived into the "W" series part 2.
hope ya likes
01 April 2009
Old pix revamp
i found this in a folder lying around my studio today while i was rearranging stuff.
i did this pic during my first week at Mada Design! so this bad boy is almost exactly 5 years old!
so here's the pic. stay tuned for the inked/colord revamp:P