16 February 2011

the one that didnt make it.

heres a pic i did for a learning series with Beck..this was one of the ones that didnt make teh cut, but i still like it.

hope ya likes


vid effects warmup

so we're doing some after effects on actual video now, so i decided to warm up today by adding some after effects on the vid chris took off of his phone when we were at the driving range.

now the vid quality is pretty bad, it was on a droid. but it was still a good warmup to start the day

Wheat_Swing_Warmup from TrigopiX on Vimeo.


02 February 2011

Planet bump intro

heres a motion graphix vid i did awhile ago that i forgot to put up.
stay tuned for some motion book animation tests, should be up in a week or so

Planet commer. bump from TrigopiX on Vimeo.
