06 July 2008

Mighty Muggs they'll never make series 3

I got an email from Mightyfanatic saying that he stumbled upon my first 2 series of Mighty Muggs and dug them enuff to throw them on his forum The Mighty Muggs Lounge

and asked if i had anymore Muggs, so here they are: Series 3
(theres one missing that i'm still looking for, when i finally find it, i'll drop it in)

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Ralph Link said...

Wheat, these are awesome. You need to do more.

If you want to check out some more custom Muggs, you should check out my Custom Mighty Muggs blog at http://www.custommightymuggs.net

We've been updating multiple times daily showing off all the latest custom Muggs. From Mario, He-Man, Freddy Kreuger, Batman, Spawn, the Joker and tons more.

We've also got a contest running on our new mighty muggs forum at http://www.mightymuggsforum.com/

There's over $250 in Muggs to be won there and it's easy to enter. Great way to win a preorder for the new Star Wars, G.I. Joe, Marvel or Indy wave.

jhalal drut said...

Iron Fist rules!
for more of the Living Weapon of Kun Lun
check my